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Stellar work here! Really love the colours chosen i am downright jelous of the styling of the flora! Really fantastic stuff, looking forward to seeing more ;)

Hekateras responds:

Thank you so much! Fun fact about the colours: I started with this little "colour-blind painting" exercise I found on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPeqyGig0vQ . The way it works is you paint using colours, but you have a greyscale filter you only see the art in greyscale so you're painting to make the values look good, and essentially picking colours at random. Then you remove the filter... :D This is what it looked like when it came off, I had interesting colours but also a lot of muddy ones and had to try to make it work somehow XD https://64.media.tumblr.com/8fcc1e0c990ed364fe4d94bfcdc81085/e1ac928475e0787b-34/s500x750/d312fe6083a3d6847fd1845a2501dbc3a9dbada0.png

Very nice! love the pose and expression!

Very nice! Love the face and jaw especially

IVectorSI responds:

Thank you.

Good stuff! Really like the lighting + lightning lol

Could you link the collab, id love to take a looksee and idk how to reverse search based on tags :P

Nice work! Love the colouring and very clean lineart! The texture is funny like toothpaste Pepto-Bismol Have you seen the movie The Stuff? :P

Artichoke3 responds:

Seen? Unfortunately not, but I’m pretty sure I remember it being about a kind of slime that disguised itself as food before breaking down the hosts body after being swallowed
In a way, it’s pretty similar to Melting Love, a being that infects dozens of people as possible with a corrosive slime that crescendos into an all-out attack

Very nice love the design! Monstergirls are always a favorite of mine and this one is very good ! Keep it up looking forward to whats to come!

This is great! love the colours and awkward posing!

There was a music video wayy back in the early aughts that featured Zombie Cheerleaders that is etched in my brain and this reminded me of that :P

These are great, you really got her chaotic nature lol I think shes really great too, a bit overshadowed by Yamato but seriously fun character/design :D

Happy2Dizzy responds:

Thanks. Yeah I agree, her shadow is as large as she. That’s why it is up to us the fans to make sure no gem are left behind.

This is fantastic! Dark fantasy Expressionism at its finest, Superb work!

themefinland responds:

Thanks a bunch! :)

Cute! Very good proportions and you really nailed proving that black DOES go with everything :L Keep up the great work i cant wait to see what comes next!

Small town dude, dealin' with a crazy mood. Channeling negative energy into artz and maybe I can improve other peoples moods :)

Tom @Awd91


Theatre of the Mind

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