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Really like the dynamic posing on the sketches there! Really good use of foreshortening!

Ooooo spoooooky.... I love it! Really nice tones of purple and black, and you did a great job on the lighting in order to keep the character from blending into the background! Really nice stuff!

Best Vydia Game girl coming thru :D Really love the colors of the bg and the shading on her is spectacular! Really nice stuff!

Small Soldiers was my gateway to this exact aesthetic, great work as usual!

Excellent drawing topped with an excellent art philosophy ! Art is a journey and all journeys have pit-stops, really rooting for ya to get that audience you want/deserve!

What a great piece of inking to stop on ! Love the idea behind this one and it has my imagination in overdrive, thinking of what a Pterasaur would look like ☆_☆

Vampyvern responds:

Thanks! If you wanted to do your own version, I'd be happy to see your take on a Pterosaur inflicted with Geminitis- I only ask you Just Tag me/ Link back here in the descriptions though!

Love the overall pointy-ness, assuming this isn't a real legend, do all these cool critters hang in the same universe?

Vampyvern responds:

Nah, not a real legend. So, my explanation for your question can get pretty lengthy but to save us all time I'll try to be blunt. I give massive legroom in open interpretation for these beasts- I don't have a set exact universe they all reside in unless I have a specific idea (Ex: Hell, Deep sea, Outer space etc). I wouldn't even consider these monsters 'OCs', just neat things I think up and cannonball into the public haha (OCs are much more personal and have more substance to me) I could see them all exist in 'the real world' AKA the current modern timeline you and I both reside in. Perhaps even ghost stories you can tell at a campfire but other than that, I like to let the viewer interpret it how they like. I guess it would be similar to saying it would be like a different cartoon show but on the same channel, if that makes sense?

This looks awesome and i dont wanna detract from that but i cannot unsee him just ripping the most satisfing ass in the nine-realms.

For sure thats a follow ! Really love these concepts true goals here! ^_^

wowee i was born within one week of THE Tomar! Famed E-Celebrity and owner of TomarTopia.com! Also love the big toof really iconic expression.

Small town dude, dealin' with a crazy mood. Channeling negative energy into artz and maybe I can improve other peoples moods :)

Tom @Awd91


Theatre of the Mind

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