Finally! It is complete, both in drawing and in posting, which was a lot more taxing than previously thought! :P I didnt realize how extensively i could ramble on about my post without feeling like a hast-tag robot . But looking around at all the fantastic art here, and really REALLY nice people who make it, its easy to see why this site has lasted the test of time!
I really want to move into comics and i've had an idea for a Superhero comic that got waaaay too ambitious for a first project. So i have a shorter fantasy number that ive been chipping away at in my head ( and in a lil red notebook) that im gunna be really excited to share with yall! Excited to make new connections and maybe convert some folks into fans into friends ;) Looking forward to any collabs or exciting new opportunities this site clearly has in spades!
Im not sure where to host a comic or really how to make one but if that new experience is as positive as this has been im sure i can make it through!